QUESTION: How to setup E-commerce lighting studio using 2 light heads?
First light is configured as either Loop or Clamshell. (Selected from how-to-setup-4-lighting-looks-using-1-light-head.)
Second light is added facing towards the backdrop (or wall) to give that super white background (let’s call this “+high key”.)
2 lighting modifiers tested are soft box, and beauty dish with silver deflector.
My favorite 2 light heads lighting setup is Loop and fill reflector +high key: Soft box lights the subject nicely by first diffusing the light that falls onto the subject, and bounces this softened diffused light off of the fill reflector onto subject, illuminating the harsh shadow yet still retaining enough darkness to show structural dimension.
Beauty dish with silver deflector: gives a sharper texture and higher contrast look, suitable for fashion, beauty, jewelry photography. Think of it as a giant reflector that reflects (and thus diffuses) light before falling onto the subject.
Stay tuned for how to setup lighting studio on boom arm using 1 light head.
Thank you for reading. Until next blog!
—xoxo, L
Clamshell +high key.
Clamshell +high key. Soft box.
Clamshell +high key. Beauty dish with silver deflector.
Loop and fill Reflector +high key.
Loop and fill reflector +high key. Beauty dish with silver deflector.
Loop +high key. Beauty dish with silver deflector.
Loop and fill reflector +high key. Soft box.
Loop +high key. Soft box.